Leadership Improvement Plan Essay Paper


The nursing field is well-known for its active role in treating diseases, preventing further infection spread, and promoting universal health through better patient outcomes. However, it is faced with many challenges emanating from medical dilemmas and, at times, errors such as wrong drug administration, which result in poor patient outcomes. This is the case presented through Tina, a new RN from the Philippines. The code of ethics for nurses dictates they uphold the four main principles that entail autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice (Haddad & Geiger., 2021)Leadership Improvement Plan Essay Paper. In addition, team members respect, value, security, safe and caring culture, zero tolerance to bullying, and a healthy working environment are at the core of any health facility. However, George and several nurses demonstrate unbecoming behavior that results in Tina’s depression and job resignation. This paper describes the leadership improvement plan within the medical-surgical units about the thematic areas at the core of a health facility.


Team Member Respect, Value, and Security

A culture of respect characterizes a healthy working environment, value for others, and security. When employees feel heard, acknowledged for their input, and protected from emotional and physical abuse, greater trust and an improved bottom line is realized in a health facility (Muharraq et al., 2022). Professional, respectful work culture breeds bolster productivity reduces stress, conflicts, and problems. It further enhances communication and teamwork. Tina’s scenario presents an unethical work environment where an employee is belittled teased by colleagues, which results in her being depressed. George demonstrates professional disrespect by criticizing Tina whenever he sees her. He further shows a lack of professionalism when he tells several nurses concerning Tina’s error and teasing her.

Leadership is fundamental for the prosperity of a goal-oriented organization. In the health docket, nurse leaders are vested with the responsibility of overseeing team activities, making decisions, and directing patient care activities (Nguyen, 2021)Leadership Improvement Plan Essay Paper. Nurse leaders serve as role models. To promote equality and equity in health setup, nurse leaders bridge the gaps presented by medical dilemmas and errors by offering assistance since they are well-versed. Unfortunately, the leadership at Tina’s facility did not demonstrate team member security, value, and respect.

Similarly, the other nurses did not demonstrate the three values critical for the growth of the unit. Instead, they never reported George’s unbecoming conduct of teasing Tina. Likewise, they teased Tina to the core of her resignation. Tina was neither protected from abuse nor was she respected. Tina misses work for some days and hates going to work. Tina is reprimanded for being given a fair hearing.

The nurse leader and manager should apply equality regarding disciplinary actions to improve. George should be disciplined for directing and teasing Tina amid her reprimanded error. To treat others with respect, there is a need to acknowledge another person’s basic dignity. To overcome the awful scenario, the facility’s leadership should conduct regular meetings, refresher training, and implement continuous medical education (CME). Through the CME and regular staff meetings, the workers would be educated on possible medical errors and avoid adverse situations. Similarly, through refresher training, individuals like George would be taught how to uphold confidentiality to build empathy and respect vital for a successful team function (Rogers et al., 2017)Leadership Improvement Plan Essay Paper. A policy needs to be implemented that supports sharing ideas free from abuse through an inclusive work culture.

Effective use of strategies to Minimize Harm to Self, and Others, zero tolerance for bullying or lateral/horizontal violence as a Way of Promoting Safe and Caring Culture.

Every employee has the right to a secure and caring culture free from violence and any other form of bullying, whether horizontally or laterally, as indicated in various constitutions worldwide. The International Labor Standards on Occupational Safety and Health dictate through its fourth principle that human resources must be protected from disease injury arising from their employment (Reese, 2018). Threats, violence, or illegal restrictions of personal spaces often enable workers to unilaterally terminate their labor contracts without a notice period, as demonstrated through Tina. Continually, the Human resources (HR) role is targeted by workplace violence and bullying, as shown through the characters of George and colleague workers on Tina. The Bureau of Labour Statistics (BLS) National Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI) reports that workplace violence inclusive of suicides and assaults amounted to 15% of all work-related fatal occupational injuries in 2015 (Li et al., 2019)Leadership Improvement Plan Essay Paper. Given that the incidences of violence, bullying, or harm are nearly impossible to predict, there is a need to develop strong collaborative workplace violence training and policies to enable workers to detect early any form of violence and appropriately react.

Moreover, it is the right of every employee to enjoy a secure and caring work environment that entertains zero tolerance to violence and harm to either self or others. Safe and caring cultures promote collaboration among healthcare workers to realize better patient outcomes. Creating a safe and caring culture in a healthcare setup is critical in creating synergy to enhance efficient, secure, and high-quality care informed by interpersonal, collaborative practice (IPCP). A caring culture is a dynamic process that requires every team member’s efforts. To promote a safe and caring culture that minimizes harm to either self and others, and zero tolerance to bullying as demonstrated by the unacceptable conduct of George and other employees on Tina, it is imperative to implement an interpersonal caring model (ICM)Leadership Improvement Plan Essay Paper.

Furthermore, IPCP is a core measure that promotes healthcare practice encourages a safe and caring culture. For example, interpersonal team members and policies on detection and early reporting of any violent activities denote a culture of caring human connection as a denominator of IPCP. Thus, strategies such as building caring relationships about the four biomedical ethics, developing an ownership mindset, decoding meaningful feedback, applying strengths-based practice, and acting like the alpha and omega defense line foster a safe and caring culture. Besides, the facility Tina’s management needs to implement in equal measure policies that tame any form of discrimination and violence witnessed to instill discipline among the workers. That way, the leadership would be acting as the first and last line of defense of every worker, which enhances their participation, and belief in the management processes in the medical-surgical unit.

Additionally, the harm resulting from hospital-based hazards and violence would be averted through education. Printing and wall-mounting of leaflets and notices bearing information on safe infection prevention and control practices and reporting any violence forms via toll-free numbers and addresses enhance confidentiality in the facility. Security apparatus such as CCTV cameras should be mounted on different sections of the surgical units and others to improve monitoring of violent activities. I believe that would instill further discipline among the staff to tame unbecoming behaviors of the likes of George.

The Leadership Role to Improve Team Member Support Within a Diverse Workforce

Attaining a diverse workforce is a core theme of numerous public entities, based on the anticipated outcomes that diversity would result in. Considering a representative bureaucracy facet, workforce diversity promotes legitimacy and responsiveness to a society characterized by diversity (Ashikali et al., 2020)Leadership Improvement Plan Essay Paper. Thus, it is instigated as numerous management efforts in public organizations. In every organization described with a diverse workforce, there is a need for the top leadership to apply an inclusive leadership style since it encourages full participation and is appreciated by a diverse workforce. Through inclusive leadership, team members are motivated since there is a democratic space to incorporate their views. Implementation of inclusive leadership positively moderates pessimistic relationships among team ethnic-cultural diversity and inclusive climates. By supporting an inclusive environment characterized by diverse team members, inclusive leadership values team members for their work practices input.

Moreover, an effective leader should open dialogue about gender pay inequality, communicate accountability, quickly manage conflicts, acknowledge and honor multiple religious and cultural practices, foster diverse thinking by team members, and eliminate bias in the promotion activities (McGill et al., 2021). For example, acknowledging holidays of every culture builds a feeling of appreciation among culturally diverse team members. To improve team member support, leaders need to mix team members to make it easy to partake in employee resource groups to develop talent and encourage collaboration. By promoting pay equity, team members would feel equally treated, fostering increased participation for the organization’s prowess.

Importance of All Team Members to Actively Engage and Support a Healthy Work Environment

It is the dream of every manager to lead committed and connected employees to their work. When team members actively engage and support a positive working relationship, better performance is realized, there is increased employee productivity, an organization would realize higher employee retention and lower turnover rates, there are lower absentee cases, team objectives are attained, and there is less dangerous workplace burnout and stress. In addition, employee engagement boosts morale, and when team members are surrounded by colleagues who support and care about what they do, they are more likely to feel engaged in their roles which bolster team performance. Besides, active engagement and support for a healthy work environment boosts confidence, improve communication, encourage team spirit, and enhance physical and mental health benefits, free from violent acts and bullying.


Identify three (3) leadership interventions that should have occurred within the case scenario above.

Tina’s scenario required several leadership interventions that would have seen her retain her job while creating an environment free from bullying and emotional violence. First, the facility’s leadership should have instituted action learning, a team training approach, and a broad disciplinary-based approach. Through action learning, George should have fund out the course of the medical error and advised Tina appropriately. Through team training which would encompass refresher training, the team would be educated on other possible errors and bolstered service provision. Lastly, an all-inclusive disciplinary action would have seen George and colleague employees punished for bullying Tina. Leadership Improvement Plan Essay Paper